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    The founder of AL-FAROOQUE EDUCATIONAL TRUST MOULANA MOHAMMED FAROOQUE QUASMI,desired to create and establish a charitable trust for promoting education to help the poor and down-trodden and ameliorate the living condition of the poor,destitute and weaker section of the society setting apart sum of Rs 5000/- (Five thousand rupees) only to the nucleus of the trust fund.Vide registered trust deed No.36 Dated-28-09-2004 on approving of himself as one of the founder life trusties along with five others mentioned there in.


1.)    To establishment,maintenance,improvement and extension of residential and non-residential schools(Primary,Secondary,Higher Secondary and Non-Formal),Madrasas,Colleges for Arts,Science,Commerce,Engineering and Medical,Technical Training Institutes independently or amalgamation, Polly-Techniques Vocational Training Centers,Research Centers and Audio Educational Centers and Hostels for students pursuing their studies.

2.)    To promote,setup,maintained and run centers of learning languages like Arabic,Urdu,Hindi,Oriya,English etc.

3.)    To establish,maintain,develop and donate for the establishment,maintenance and development of Adult Education Centers in order to create educational awareness among the illiterate persons belonging to the backward minorities.

4.)    To classes in Science,Mathematics,Social Studies,Hindi and English for the students belonging to various streams to acquire education comparable to the National Educatio System(NES).

5.)    To establish,maintain,develop,and donate for establishment,maintenance and development of coaching units to coach students beloning to socially and educationally backward minorities for various Competitive Examinations Keeping in view the schems of the University Grants-Commission,1984 revamped in 1992.

6.)    To improve the standards of Educational backward minorities through Area Intesive Programs and the Scheme of Modernisation of Madarasa Education keeping in view of the National Policy of Education that stands for Equity and Social Justice.

7.)    To institute Scholarships,Stipends,Medals,Prizes etc. to help and encourage desrving students and provide monetary aid to students,scholars and teachers for pursuing their education.

8.)    To establish,maintain,develop and donate for the establishment,maintenance and development of Book Bank and Library.

9.)    To render relief in cash/kind to the victims of natural and man-made calamities and to rehabilitate them.

10.)    To establish and run orphanages for orphans, care for their necessities,look after them for their daily food,education,clothing and to help them in getting adopted.

11.)    To establish and run "Destitute Homes" for people of want or necessities,Co-Ordinate good relationship with the poor and weaker section of the society,help the disgraced, make route to poor youths providing them with basic necessities etc.

12.)    To establishment Old Age Homes for the senior citizens,provide them with basic comforts at their old age,if expired,to take charge of all their burial or funeral expenses.

13.)    To promote feeling if Brother hood and Good-will amongst Various Communities by Arranging extra curricular activities like debates,lectures,sports and other disciplines.

14.)    To provide amenities for holding discourses on Indian philosophy and allied subjects touching upon Indian culture,tradition and way of life with a view to raise the moral education standard of the people.

15.)    To establish Branches of this trust anywhere in India,to promote the activities of this trust for the benefit of poor,the needy,the sick,the aged,the widow,the orphan and the handicapped IR-RESPECTIVE OF CASTE,CREED,SEX,RELIGION,OR AND COLOUR.

16.)    The funds and the income of the Trust shall be solely utilised towards the achievement of the objects of the trust and no part of it shall be utilised for payment of any dividend,interest,profit or remuneration by whatever name called.